Why take a break?

Good developers take breaks. But why? Last night, I attended a men’s session where two very different people talked on stage about very different breaks. The first was a pastor who was granted a six month sabbatical. The second was someone that was fired, and...

Guten Tag Deutschland. Ich bin da!

I just arrived in Germany for our big Spring Data summit. Our team is having a get  together to do some planning and scoping of work for the next year. And I couldn’t be more excited. I arrived at 7:00 am local time, and waited two and half hours to discover the...

API evolvability is key in a system of systems

I try typing “API evolvability” into my iPhone and it corrects to “evil ability”. Message there?#REST @olivergierke — Greg L. Turnquist (@gregturn) March 28, 2017 Heh. That tweet was a follow up to Oliver’s latest presentation on the topic “API...

HTTP + REST + OAuth = say what???

In the past couple of weeks, things have really gotten hopping on the Nashville Java community’s #java slack channel. A recent topic topic of interest is how do we take something like REST, which talks about clean URIs and stateless services, and stir in this...