Having a ton of fun with Spring Data REST + Javascript

By root

March 28, 2014

Today has been 100% fun coding with Spring Data #REST, javascript, and pics of cats. 🙂 —https://twitter.com/gregturn/status/448219842056052736

Since last fall, I have shifted to working full time on Spring Data REST. This is an amazing project. It takes Spring HATEOAS & Spring Data and combines them together. This way, your Spring Data repositories are exported with an automatically generated hypermedia interface.

What does this mean? Maybe it’s not obvious, but data stored in a persistent repository is now available to desktop web apps, smart phone hybrid apps (those that basically wrap a browser), and native iOS/Android apps.

I’ve spent several months getting up to speed on this project by fixing bugs, adding new features, and adding to the test suite. This has slowly but surely helped me understand how it works. I don’t have it all down, but when we reached 2.0.0.GA, and had the basic CRUD functionality working, I proceeded to write a handful of getting started guides. This way, other people could quickly see through simple examples how to add a hypermedia interface to their existing Spring Data-powered apps.

But for at least six months, I’ve had a vision for where I could take this project. I finally felt I had enough know how to start working on a sample application that would heavily use this hypermedia + some javascript to build a dynamic web app. (NOTE: There are pictures of cats!) That’s what I’ve been working on for the past couple weeks.

Thankfully, we have some super sharp javascript coders on our team. I’ve been able to get solid feedback on my newbie javascript code. And it’s been fun! Javascript has a neat, function-oriented perspective. Instead of focusing on classes, i.e. nouns, I have been writing in terms of verbs. When you click this, do that, then that. It’s a big shift. But I ran into familiar territory when I needed to splice some data together. One of my javascript colleagues told me about reduce(), and when I read about it, I recognized it was the same as foldLeft.

Ultimately, I didn’t use it, because it didn’t fit what I needed, but nonetheless, it was nice to run into javascript’s nice functional APIs.

I have been having an extra dose of fun this past week. My colleague commented, “hey @Greg. looks like you’re having a ton of fun! :)” That was the truth! I just didn’t realize it was so obvious.

I’ve always been a language junky. While I enjoy writing Java full time and am really good at it, I love the opportunity to write code in any language. (Okay maybe not COBOL, but I think you get the idea.)

Hopefully I’ll be able to offer a presentation at SpringOne on this exact topic. It’s not guaranteed, but I’ll see if I can get a talk approved. Now…back to coding javascript!