The Hunt for Red October – writing analysis

I previously blogged about going back and watching/reading The Hunt for Red October as a writer.As a follow up, I wanted to walk through it the story line and talk about it right here. Together, we’ll walk through each act and do a writing analysis at the end...

Building a writer’s platform

As Sara gets underway with her writing career, I am happily doing anything and everything to help. In particular, I’m her de facto web administrator. I set up using WordPress. I configured her Mail Chimp account to help her build her...

I hate “Track Changes” with a passion

The world of open source has commoditized many things. It’s the key reason my wife and I could move off of Windows and onto Macs without the world knowing or caring. Key apps we use are Chrome and LibreOffice. These tools are free and open. It takes no effort to...

It happened just like this…

Last night’s night’s writing prompt: * * * Manager dropped the problem in my lap. I look up at my screen start typing. Hmm. How do you do that? I look over at my book shelf. My finger runs across the six books I have. I fish one out, flip to the chapter...