Good developers take breaks

Something that has become crystal clear since I joined the Spring team is how important it is to take a break. Good code happens when developers take breaks. Of course there are times when I find myself working solid until 8:00 pm or later. But I try to make that the...

#opensource is not a charity

Logging onto my laptop this morning, I have already seen two tickets opened by different people clamoring for SOMEONE to address their stackoverflow question. They appeared to want an answer to their question NOW. The humor in all this is that the issue itself is only...

Why software development is not for everyone

Have you ever had gobs of fun hacking away on a computer? I can say I did, but it’s not so much fun when hackers getting into your network becomes easier and easier. Noodled with a piece of code that you discovered in the afternoon, and here it is, 2:00 a.m.? If...

Checking out editors

If there is something software developers do, it’s get real picky about tools for editing software. That’s why there are strong, almost religious debates about vi vs. emacs and Adobe aftereffects and FCPX effects. I recently got fed up with TextMate for...