Mobilizing your website

I just spent two days adding a mobile front end to a web app a few months ago. It is a reference app called Rabbit Trader, an app that demonstrates our JMS on Rabbit module targeted for vFabric 5.3. To hear more about that module, you’ll have to wait a bit. But...

When testing really matters

This past Tuesday, we had James Ward, principal developer advocate for Heroku, give a presentation on the Play Framework, scala/java, and Heroku at the Nashville JUG. Suffice it to say, it was a really awesome presentation. This was far from a sales pitch, and more...

Scala is EJB2? I don’t think so

I just read Stephen Colebourne’s blog entry that is circulating the twittersphere. I’m about to post some comments, so I guess this means that I don’t “tolerate dissent.”First of all, please don’t pull out the infamous “(0 /:...

Programming is hard – Part 3

In this latest installment of Programming is hard, let’s talk about abstractions. (For previous readings, see Part 1 and Part 2). I read a column by Ted Neward where he points out how software development is unlike any other industry. We have to deal with...

Programming is hard – Part 2

NOTE: You can also read Part 3 of this blog series. The debate about the complexity of scala ensues. As I previously wrote, programming is hard! Trying to conclude how easy or hard scala is based on language constructs isn’t feasible. In a really active thread...