When testing really matters

This past Tuesday, we had James Ward, principal developer advocate for Heroku, give a presentation on the Play Framework, scala/java, and Heroku at the Nashville JUG. Suffice it to say, it was a really awesome presentation. This was far from a sales pitch, and more...

@NashvilleJUG reaches 100 members. Woot!

Back in April, I posted that the Nashville Java Users Group had reached 50 members. Today, we have no reached 100 members signing up on meetup.com/nashvillejug. This is incredible! We are approaching our 2-year anniversary this October (despite what is listed on our...

@NashvilleJUG reaches 50 members!

This is great news. I just saw an email today sent to me from http://meetup.com/nashvillejug. Maybe that number doesn’t seem huge to you, but after just a year-and-a-half, I think we are reaching more and more people in the Java community in our area.Earlier...

Putting your money where your mouth is

I like maven. There, I said it. Now where is my flame suit?Last night at the Nashville Java User Group meeting, Kerry gave a good introductory presentation on maven. He talked about the pros and cons, and showed some things like phases, profiles, and parent/child...