by Greg Turnquist | Jun 20, 2014 | asciidoc, asciidoctor, book, learning spring boot, spring boot
I just got my last few tweaks into my Asciidoctor Packt backend. It was enough to drop the venerable AsciiDoc and replace it with Asciidoctor. Most notably, I fixed the images so they would be centered, and text would not wrap around. I also centered the [[Layout]]...
by Greg Turnquist | Jun 12, 2014 | asciidoc, github, java, learning spring boot, mobile, spring, spring boot
I just shipped off chapter 1, “Quick Start with Groovy”. Last night, I dug through and updated the code samples along with outputs to Spring Boot 1.1.1.RELEASE, which went out late yesterday. It really is awesome having that effort minimized thanks...
by Greg Turnquist | May 31, 2014 | asciidoc, book, learning spring boot, spring boot
I’ve made great strides getting things to look nice with my AsciiDoc-to-LibreOffice outputs. But I ran into issues that I couldn’t solve with asciidoc-packt. Text wrapped in **double asterisks** wouldn’t appear with the Key Word [PACKT] styling...
by Greg Turnquist | May 30, 2014 | asciidoc, book, learning spring boot, spring boot
After writing gobs of documents over the past year with AsciiDoc, I was strongly motivated to make that work as I embark on writing Learning Spring Boot. Writing a book with a word processor is one thing if you’re talking about a trade novel. That format is...