With things bearing down on my September due date for Learning Spring Boot 2nd Edition, I’ve gotten in gear and started hammering at the codebase.
For one thing, I have strived to catch up ALL the code to Spring WebFlux, no longer using the servlet-based Spring MVC. In the process of doing that, I discovered a breaking change in Spring Framework that conflicts with the latest milestone of Thymeleaf. I switched to snapshots, and moved forward.
The big change coming down the pike has been WebSocket support. In Spring 4, there is incredibly detailed support for various messaging protocols, messaging brokers, and all sorts of goodies involving Spring’s WebSocket support.
With Spring WebFlux, they had to start from scratch and build things up. Suffice it to say, streams of WebSocket messages in and out has a very basic API. Hence, I’m rewriting the code in Chapter 8 to leverage this, chuck aside things like STOMP and SockJS. I rewrote the server side code thanks to the project lead of Spring Integration, and revved up to test it out, only to get stymied by something else.
Somehow, Reactive Web was switched off in favor of Servlet Web.
Spending a couple hours on Slack with some super sharp teammates, I uncovered a dependency from Spring Cloud Netflix that pulled in Tomcat along with another transitive dependency on Spring MVC. Excluding them got things humming again on Netty, only to find a bug in Thymeleaf caused by Spring WebFlux + Spring Cloud Stream.
Sigh. I updated the issue filed with Thymeleaf asking about another release to see how to move forward. Until then, this book is paused. Yet again.
When that is fixed, hopefully I can push forward and get the last bits in line.