#LearningSpringBoot – 1st edition vs 2nd edition

By Greg Turnquist

Greg L. Turnquist worked on the Spring team for over thirteen years and is a senior staff technical content engineer at Cockroach Labs. He was the lead for Spring Data JPA and Spring Web Services. He wrote Packt's best-selling title, Learning Spring Boot 2.0 2nd Edition, and its 3rd Edition follow-up along many others.

November 8, 2016

wayback-machine Something I have unique insight into is what the approach to the 2014 1st edition vs. the 2017 soon-to-be 2nd edition. Most “next editions” are written by other authors. Not here.

I wrote the first by myself and I’m writing the second one now.

The 1st edition was relatively short. I had pitched ten chapters but Packt would only greenlight five. It’s only fair to point out that Spring Boot had just reached 1.0 GA release only a few months before my pitch. It wasn’t a “proven” technology yet.

learning-spring-boot So I pushed forward. With just five chapters, I narrowed the scope to the most critical things people wanted.

  • Core stuff: building web apps with Spring MVC, Spring Security, and Spring Data.
  • Given Boot was so new, I spent a chapter on debugging and maintaining apps, and helping people understand autoconfiguration.
  • Also showed the magic of the Groovy-based Spring Boot CLI.
  • Threw in a little about profiles and switching between development and production.

Many things I wanted to cover just didn’t make the cut.

b05771_mockupcover_normal Which brings me to the 2nd edition. We’ve got ten chapters and a clean slate. The field is wide open. This isn’t some rehash to turn a nickel. (That type of work frankly bores me!)

This edition is aimed at Spring Boot 2.0, which will be based on Spring Framework 5.0. Some of the goodies include:

  • Reactive Streams API found in Spring MVC, Spring Data, and to some degree, Spring Cloud.
  • Spring Cloud was just getting started back in 2014. Today, it’s a staple toolbox used for any cloud native/microservice solutions.
  • Reactive apps use asynchronous, non-blocking paradigms. Messaging and WebSockets with Spring Boot really shines here.
  • Unit testing, embedded integration testing, mock testing, and slice testin
  • Taking your app to production

junior-dev All these things are various facets where Spring Boot kicks major booty. And I plan to cover all of them. My goal is to write a down-to-earth title that helps people build Real World apps. Spring Boot is such a popular tool for serving customer needs, I can’t wait to deliver.


1 Comment

  1. Mr MP Lythgoe

    Looking forward to it, nice to get some good news today.


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