Ch. 7, “Microservices with @SpringBoot” of #LearningSpringBoot 2nd Ed. sent into @PacktPub

By Greg Turnquist

Greg L. Turnquist worked on the Spring team for over thirteen years and is a senior staff technical content engineer at Cockroach Labs. He was the lead for Spring Data JPA and Spring Web Services. He wrote Packt's best-selling title, Learning Spring Boot 2.0 2nd Edition, and its 3rd Edition follow-up along many others.

October 25, 2016


learning-spring-boot-2nd-edition-ch-7 I just finished hammering out twenty eight pages of manuscript for Learning Spring Boot 2nd Edition. This has been the most exhausting. Probably because it has the most moving parts. Taking the previous chapter’s sample social media app (Spring-a-Gram, my billion dollar startup idea) and turning into a Eureka-powered, Hystrix-dashboard-monitored, and Config Server-enabled set of microservices isn’t hard per se.

But it takes a bit of wording to explain everything. If you’ve never seen all these components working in concert, it may appear to be a bit much to take in. And that is where writing is hard. The idea is that you should be able to read the chapter, and get it.

You should read the chapter, and say, “Ooh! Ooh! I want to do that!” And scamper off to your laptop, eager to implement it. You shouldn’t stop with your jaw open, going, “Whoah. That is hard, dude.” That would be a failure on the part of me the writer.

So I hope that I’ve taken it step-by-step, one logical use at a time, and migrated our monothlic image uploading service into a friendly microservice that makes me people hunger for Spring Boot more than ever.


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