Tonight writing prompt: I’ve never shared this with anyone, until now:
Perhaps you’ve noticed that I have a Mac? See the cute apple icon? And my phone. Anyone can tell what that is. But the truth is…I like Windows. The look, the feel of the screens. The flat out power behind it is incredible. My colleagues would think me crazy if they ever found out. They use Mac or Linux mostly. One that used to use Windows moved to Mac years ago. And every night, after my wife goes to sleep, I browse Amazon looking at the Windows phones. It’s true. I’ve never told this to anyone. I trust you can keep this secret. My credibility as a Mac savant would be ruined should anyone get word of this. My brother-in-law would be only one to welcome me with open arms. He might snicker a little. Perhaps tell me he knew all along. Please please please please don’t tell him. Now you know everything about me.
This is pure fiction. I actually briefly stunned my wife. She asked, “Is this true?” I replied, “no!” Heh.