I recently got confirmation of the cover image of “Learning Spring Boot”. I don’t have the official cover, but I created a mock up based on the stock image.
I’m really excited about this. About a month ago, Packt sent me a collection of stock images to pick from, and this one was PERFECT. To top it off, I just read Dave Syer’s drafted foreword, and it only solidifies my feelings. (I don’t want to steal the thunder. You’ll have to get the book to read his epic opening words.)
You see, this image shows a great forest. Tall trees. Beautiful beams of light shining through. And just the right amount of mystic charm to please the eye. And yet, a forest’s greatest strength lies beneath it. No forest can stand strong unless it has a strong set of roots that have grown and solidified over the years. A deep undergrowth of roots that supplies the nutrients.
That’s what Spring Boot is. It is a strong growth of patterns, discoveries, who knows how many hours of real world experience, and more. This can be seen by those that begin to use it. But it wouldn’t exist today if it wasn’t for the strong foundation of the Spring Framework. Ten years ago, Spring Boot was impossible. Spring didn’t exist yet.
But today, after ten years of development, the Spring Framework is the de facto standard for application development on the JVM. I remember when the 10,000th issue was opened against the Spring Framework. It was a landmark event. Tens of thousands of contributions to the project. Thousands of committers. Hundreds of pages of polished, detailed documentation. All for a project that has been open source from day one. It truly represents a community effort to create something greater.
Many conferences are conducted every year around the world to discuss Spring. Millions of copies have been downloaded and permeated the Java development space. People chat back and forth in hallways, on chat channels, and at JUG meetings about “the Spring way”.
And as I remember from the first presentation I saw from Graeme Rocher on Grails, his bottom line comment was “Grails IS Spring”. Grails didn’t sit on top of Spring. Grails didn’t use Spring. Grails WAS Spring.
Well Spring Boot can say the same. Just visit http://spring.io/guides, and you’ll find 60+ guides showing “the Spring way” of solving common problems. Guess what; almost all of them use Spring Boot. Not because it’s “the product to sell”. Nope. The people that wrote those guides (including me) LOOOOOOVED using Spring Boot to solve these problems and so many more. And that is what got me so fired up that I had to write another book after having been burned out over three years ago.
Stay tuned!
Is it possible to laready buy this BOOK? I can’t manage to wait 🙂
Unfortunately, not quite yet. I keep pinging my editor to get a handle on when they will put it up for sale on the website. I promise I’ll post an updated blog entry when that happens.