»Der einzige Weg, ein wirklicher Meister zu werden, ist, immer ein Schüler zu bleiben.« – Zen-Weisheit #anfängergeist
— Marcus Raitner (@marcusraitner) June 9, 2014
Today I saw a retweet from one of my German friends. At first glance, I spotted bits and pieces I could immediately parse.
“Weg” is way. “immer” is always. “Schüler” is school goer, i.e. student. So I slowed down and walked through it.
“Der einzige Weg” – the one something way. Hmm…must be “the one and only way”
“ein wirklicher Meister” – I remember Entwickler being a software developer. This sounded similar, so I loosely dubbed it “a working master”.
“zu werden” – Well, “werden” is for future tense, so I figured it meant “to be”.
“ist” – is
“immer ein Schüler zu bleiben” – always a student to remain
String it together and I gathered: “The only way to be a master is to always remain a student.” That sounded proverbial, so I was highly confident I was right.
I cross checked the expression on Google Translate and got “The only way to become a real master is to remain always a pupil.” Sounds pretty dead on to me. In my excitement, I could not help but respond:
@marcusraitner @ewolff ich könnte alles verstehen! — Greg Turnquist (@gregturn) June 9, 2014
Naturally, Eberhard responds:
@gregturn 🙂 schön – wann kommst Du nach Deutschland?
— Eberhard Wolff (@ewolff) June 9, 2014
Well…it might be awhile I can find THAT amount of spare time. I suppose I’ll have to settle for chatting mit meine Deutsch Mitarbeiter am SpringOne im September. Tschüss!