More hot updates from Spring!
- Spring Boot’s first milestone is out. Check out that link and see how to build a Spring app with ONE FILE.
- Spring Security’s slick lead, Rob Winch, has managed to fit an entire app inside a tweet thanks to Spring Boot! Prepare to be amazed.
- Spring Mobile 1.1.0.RC1 and 1.0.2 was just released.
- Spring Data Gemfire has a patch release with version 1.3.2.
- Spring Data Redis has just released 1.1.0.M2.
Stay tuned. There are more releases coming!
I’m speaking at SpringOne 2GX next month. Come see my presentation: “Case Study – Grails in the Real World“. This is the hottest Spring conference with leading technologist from across the industry. I’ll be super excited to see you there.
P.S. Don’t forget to register before Friday, August 9th at midnight so you can save $200.