Spring Python 1.0.0 (RC2) is released

By root

June 3, 2009

What is Spring Python?

For those of you new to this project, Spring Python takes the concepts implemented by the Spring Framework (Java), and applies them to Python. This provides a powerful library of functionality to help you get back to writing the code that makes you money. You can visit Spring Python’s official web page, or skip right to the downloads.

You’re Late!

Yes, we’re a tad late. Okay, we’re really late, but in case you fell off the planet, SpringSource lost a valuable member of its team, Russ Miles, who was also the sponsor for this project. There were other high priority things happening, so considering this is an extension, it took a little longer than usual to get to making a release. Which brings me to my next point. I want to welcome Mark Pollack as the new sponsor for this extension. He is the code geek that developed Spring .NET. I have had the benefit of meeting him at least year’s SpringOne Americas conference and attending his presentation, and we have also corresponded over email and IM.

So what’s in this release?

You can scroll down to see the release notes. There actually isn’t much change in the code. We are trying to freeze things into a stable API. However, one thing not listed was a key problem we had to solve with coily. coily is the command-line tool that let’s you download Spring Python plugins. Coily was having trouble handling data hosted on the S3 servers used to stage these downloads, so I had to fix it. It now offers you the correct name.

When you query this version to see what plugins are available, you should see this:

$ ./coily --list-available-plugins
Coily v1.0.0 - the command-line management tool for Spring Python
Copyright 2006-2008 SpringSource (http://springsource.com), All Rights Reserved
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

Available plugins:
gen-cherrypy-app springpython-plugin-gen-cherrypy-app-1.0.0-RC1.tar.gz 2009-01-22 18:08
gen-cherrypy-app springpython-plugin-gen-cherrypy-app-1.0.0-RC2.tar.gz 2009-06-03 18:23

You may be seeing two copies listed here, but when you try to install, it will grab RC2’s version.

Release Notes

Release Notes – SX Spring Python – Version 1.0.0-RC2



What is coming next?

Well, I have been in contact with a company in Germany that is using Spring Python as a key piece of their software solution. They have even granted me access to view their code base. It is exciting seeing them in action, especially since they are writing some extensions to Spring Python and also experimenting with using it inside Jython.

What does this boil down to? Community feedback is a key ingredient to finding out what features need to be added, modified and improved.  Through IM and email, we have already identified some mods to DatabaseTemplate supporting convention-over-configuration, and have already coded a SimpleRowMapper. If your POPO’s attributes match the column names of a query, you don’t need to create a custom RowMapper. Instead, plug-in this one, and it will link them together, without requiring you to extend any of Spring Python’s classes.

"select name, category from animal",

SimpleRowMapper only needs a class name. It will instantiate one of these classes for each row, and then populates the name and category attributes with the results of the query.

There is also a DictionaryRowMapper, which returns a list of dictionaries, instead of tuples. The key point is that convention-over-configuration has become an accepted way to rapidly write essential code without getting caught up the details, and Spring Python embraces this concept.

There is just one wrinkle to make this work: the API used in RowMapper has a slight change (we added metadata as an optional attribute). Since 1.0 is a frozen API, and we are trying to get to a final release, Sven and I agreed to put this change into Spring Python v1.1, so for now, you can only get it from our source repository. Stay tuned for updates!