SpringOne Europe – Wish I Could Be There

By root

April 28, 2009

Well, I was able to make it to the SpringOne Americas conference back in December 2008. And I knew I would hunger to be at the SpringOne Europe conference this year. This time, though, since I got into twitter, I have been able to keep my thumb on the pulse by watching twitter on the #springone channel.

It makes me feel almost like I’m there.

  • So far, I have been tracking Ben Alex’s Spring ROO framework.
  • Oracle = “A tax on old Java technology” – Rod Johnson (overheard on twitter)
  • SpringSource Tool Suite will be free for all developers.

Okay, I’m not going to give you everything (and I don’t KNOW everything). If you can make it to a SpringOne conference, trust me…it’s awesome. However, if not, then at least follow along twitter for some of the bits.