Learning Spring Boot 2.0 2nd Edition
Get up to date with the defining characteristics of Spring Boot 2.0 in Spring Framework 5

Spring Boot provides a variety of features…
…that address today’s business needs along with today’s scalable requirements. In this book, you will learn how to leverage powerful databases and Spring Boot’s state-of-the-art WebFlux framework. This practical guide will help you get up and running with all the latest features of Spring Boot, especially the new Reactor-based toolkit.
- Create powerful, production-grade applications and services with minimal fuss
- Support multiple environments with one artifact, and add production-grade support with features
- Find out how to tweak your apps through different properties
- Use custom metrics to track the number of messages published and consumed
- Enhance the security model of your apps
- Make use of reactive programming in Spring Boot
- Build anything from lightweight unit tests to fully running embedded web container integration tests