Tuning Reactor Flows

I previously wrote a post about Reactively talking to Cloud Foundry with Groovy. In this post, I want to discuss something of keen interest: tuning reactor flows. When you use Project Reactor to build an application, is the style a bit new? Just trying to keep your...

Have you crossed the midpoint in your career?

There is something that has snuck up on me. When I stopped to think about it, it became clear. There is a point in your career when you cross this “midpoint.” I remember Day One of my first job as a professional software engineer. I had already written...

The magic of software development

People think I have a magical talent. It’s funny seeing the difference between what I know and what others think I know when it comes to debugging stuff. Simply put, I know how to tinker. I have clues, hunches, and insights. But that stuff is useless to a...

The value of backwards compatibility

I was listening to Episode 6 of the Nash Dev Cast as they spoke about bitrot, of how stuff degrades as the whole Internet upgrades around you. It really reminded me of the inestimable value of Spring’s approach to backwards compatibility. Something that is...

In defense of leftpad

Given the time I’ve had to think about the whole leftpad controversy, I have to come to the conclusion that leftpad was PERFECTLY FINE with its decision to build a module with only eleven lines. (As to the brooha over unpublishing and then being forcibly...